New Film Generation 2021

Sunday, 26.9. at 3 pm

Cinema as a cultural venue

Three, two, one – action! Cinema & Kurbelkiste, Cineplex and the Schloßtheater are the three cinemas that shape the film landscape in Münster. Arthouse cinema and blockbusters, banging sounds and quiet dialogues. What kind of a place is cinema? A playground for films? Eight filmmakers between the ages of 10 and 14 joined Steffi Köhler and Anna Schlottbohm on a cinematic search for what makes cinema so special. Is it the popcorn, the red chairs?

They spoke with Daniel Wolter and Steffi Gebhardt about the design of the cinema’s film program and the work of a projectionist. The interview with Klaus-Dieter Klepsch concerned film history – from the train station cinema to the one-screen operation. On the question of what the future of cinema might look like, Laura Bartels and Andreas Wilting took the group into the world of bicycle cinema, in which the audience themselves spring into action and generate the electricity for the screening using muscle power.

Together, the young people made a film dedicated to the magic of cinema and asking about its future. The result is an exciting journey through Münster’s cinema landscape, in search of the popcorn between the seats.

“Kino, ein Ort des Films und des Spielens”, 15 min 

“Kino, ein Ort des Films und des Spielens”, 15 min 

A film by: Amelie Arica, Ida Arica, Antonia Stang, Noah Benassi, Flora Hagemann, Steffi Köhler, Katharina Oshege, Anna Schlottbohm, Franzi Schmack, Paula Stenner, Maja Ungruhe 

Dieses Projekt wird gefördert durch das Land NRW, Kulturrucksack NRW und das Kulturamt Münster.